Canadian dairy farmers…

Who is helping you farm smarter?

Focusing on You

01 — Digital Dairy Whiteboards

These digital dairy whiteboards facilitate effective communication among farm staff. They ensure that everyone is on the same page, helping to streamline daily tasks and operations.

02 — Moo To Do Mobile App

By providing a centralized platform for communication, this mobile application help staff members understand their roles and responsibilities better. This clarity can lead to increased productivity, benefiting the farm's overall efficiency.

03 — CATTLEytics Dairy Health & Management System

This is the control centre for your operation. From diagnosis, to animal health, reproduction performance to vaccination planning, this is seamless, easy to use and puts you in control of your operation.

If you face where you are weak, then you can get stronger.

We can assist you in achieving the goals you've been postponing for tomorrow.

Set new goals for your dairy now.